(Roy Kim) Bom Bom Bom – Sungha Jung Download Video and mp3 video mp4 download

Original Lyrics:

I’m the cat with bass and drum, going ’round like bom bom bom!
I’m the cat with bass and drum, going ’round like bom bom bom!
What’s grooving? I’m moving, I like your style of womping!
How charming! Just a rapper, load him up and eat that snapper!
I want sixteen pints of rum and then I go bom bom!
Glowing up in the dark in the night and so I go ooh ah ah ah ah, I
I’ve brought a pie in my pocket, pie in my pocket, an eye in my socket
You got life, You got style, Me got nothing on my mind
But I’m so cool, and I’m so groovy, when I go bom bom bom!
Going around like bom bom bom!
I’m so cool, and I’m so groovy, when I go bom bom bom!
I’m the cat with bass and drum, going ’round like bom bom bom!
What’s grooving? I’m moving, I like your style of womping!
How charming! Just a rapper, load him up and eat that snapper!
I want sixteen pints of rum and then I go bom bom!
Glowing up in the dark in the night and so I go ooh ah ah ah ah, I
I’ve brought a pie in my pocket, pie in my pocket, an eye in my socket
And you got life, you got style, you got nothing on my mind
But I’m so cool, and I’m so groovy, when I go bom bom bom!
I’m so cool, and I’m so groovy, when I go bom bom bom!
Bom bom bom!
I’m so cool, and I’m so groovy, when I go bom bom bom!

Youtube details of Cover Song (Roy Kim) Bom Bom Bom – Sungha Jung Download Video and mp3

Sungha http://www.sunghajung.com arranged and played Bom Bom Bom by Roy Kim.

Sungha Jung’s All CD http://www.sunghajung.com

Sungha Jung’s Album Itunes

Perfect Blue Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/perfect-blue/id433673090

Irony Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/album/irony/id475934625

The Duets Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/album/the-duets-deluxe-edition/id586868316

Paint It Acoustic Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/album/paint-it-acoustic-deluxe-edition/id634252898

Youtube Channel for this cover song:


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(Roy Kim) Bom Bom Bom – Sungha Jung Download Video and mp3 Download Link


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